
Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Top 10 Favorite U-KISS Songs

I made a (very simple) Youtube video!

I recently realized that the number of U-KISS songs on my favorite songs list had reached 10, so I thought I’d try my hand at making a simple video on Youtube with clips of each of the songs. (Thanks, Audacity and Windows Movie Maker! I love freeware.)

Here are my favorite songs of theirs, for those who are interested:

#10 — Mworago (What)
#9 — Avatar
#8 — Tick Tack
#7 — Bingeul Bingeul (Round and Round)
#6 — Miracle
#5 — Sikkeuro! (Shut Up!)
#4 — Dancing Floor
#3 — Neverland
#2 — Manmanhani (Am I That Easy?)
#1 — Bang Bang Bang

It might be helpful for those wanting to learn the U-KISS members’ names, too. Current members: Soohyun, Kiseop, Eli, AJ, Hoon, Kevin, and Dongho. Former members: Xander and Kibum.

Here are some group pics with the former members:

U-KISS members names Manmanhani

(Back:) Xander, Kiseop, Kevin, (front:) Dongho, Eli, Kibum, and Soohyun.

U-KISS members names

Eli, Dongho, Xander, Kiseop, Kibum, Soohyun, and Kevin.

U-KISS members names Binguel Binguel Round and Round

Xander, Soohyun, Kibum, Eli, Kevin, Dongho, and Kiseop.

U-KISS members names Sikkeuro Shut Up Kiseop abs

Kibum, Kiseop (and his washboard abs), Kevin, Dongho, Soohyun, Xander, and Eli.

And here is the current lineup:

U-KISS members names 2011

(Back:) Dongho, AJ, Soohyun, (front:) Kiseop, Hoon, Kevin, and Eli.

U-KISS members names 2011 0330

Kiseop, Eli, Kevin, Hoon, AJ, Dongho, and Soohyun.

U-KISS members names 2011 0330

(Back:) Eli, AJ, Hoon, Kevin, (front:) Dongho, Soohyun, and Kiseop.

U-KISS members names 2011 Neverland

Hoon, Kiseop, Eli, Soohyun, Kevin, Dongho, and AJ.

U-KISS members names 2011 Neverland

(Standing:) Dongho, AJ, Hoon, Eli, Kiseop, (sitting:) Kevin, and Soohyun.

U-KISS members names 2011 Tick Tack

(Standing:) AJ, Kiseop, Hoon, Soohyun, (on box:) Kevin, Dongho, (on floor:) and Eli.

U-KISS members names 2011 Tick Tack

(Top:) Soohyun, Kiseop, Eli, AJ, (bottom:) Hoon, Kevin, and Dongho.

U-KISS members names 2011 Tick Tack

AJ, Hoon, Dongho, Kevin, Eli, Soohyun, and Kiseop.

Hope those of you who wanted to know more about U-KISS found this interesting!


  1. Oh, that's nice! You made a playlist of your favorite songs from U-Kiss. I got 4 out of 10 songs in my iPod, too: Neverland, Tick Tack, Bingeul Bingeul, and Miracle. Though I love Neverland the most. XD

    Are you gonna make a playlist with other artists, too? (I see SNSD having 9 songs, mhm. It's close to 10, lol.)

  2. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! I may make another one if any of the other artists get to 10 songs! It's more for one of my friends who wanted to learn U-KISS's names, lol. :)

  3. Love ukiss so much,,,,

  4. Oh, man--me, too. Their songs are so catchy. :D

  5. waaah!!! tnx for giving me the list of some of u-kiss songs. em really hooked by them, specially kevin's voice. i so love him. <3

  6. Oh my God, me, too with the Kevin love! His voice is so distinctive and lovely. Hope you enjoyed! :)

  7. Need a new pic lol. No more dongho and AJ may be leaving too. Good blog though!
