
Monday, December 24, 2012

Mini-Review: Orange Caramel feat. NU’EST–“Dashing Through Snow in High Heels”

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Last year I did a two-part Christmas special. But since so many of the songs are so similar, that’s a bit dull, and between then and now, I may have become a liiiittle obsessed with rookie group NU’EST, watching all their clips and English-subbed videos and everything. I enjoyed their “Face” very much (and their “Action” song/video a bit less, but I still enjoyed it!). And at the same time, I fell in love with Orange Caramel’s “Lipstick,” which is just so damn catchy and with such a funny video.

Well, they collaborated on a super-cute Christmas music video, so I may as well feature it here!

Orange Caramel and NU’EST members Dashing Through Snow in High Heels

[Left to right:] Baekho, Lizzy, Minhyuk, Nana, Ren, Raina, Aron, and JR (seated).

While the song/video are pretty standard bubbly aeygo holiday fare, the people in it are so likeable that I wanted to highlight them a little. Also, if I get any more Ren-centric fanservice, my little fangirly heart may well explode. :)

Orange Caramel and NU’EST members Dashing Through Snow in High Heels

[Back row:] Minhyuk, Aron, Nana, Raina, [front row:] Baekho, Ren, JR, and Lizzy.

In the video, the members of Orange Caramel (which is a sub-unit of After School) and NU’EST take part in a cute photoshoot with a bunch of stuffed animals. While Ren is my favorite NU’EST member and Baekho usually stands out the most in NU’EST’s music videos, I thought Aron was the stand-out here, as well as Nana, who always steals the show in Orange Caramel’s videos. :)

Orange Caramel and NU’EST members Nana and Aron

Nana and Aron

Boyfriend’s one-liner:
“I want to see the look on the Sears photography workers’ faces when they come in the next day. ‘Someone’s been messing with the kids toys again.’” (This was the boy’s second one-liner, actually, after “That bleach blond girl making a heart with her hands is cute”—referring, of course, to Ren, who is a gorgeous guy. *facepalm*)

NU’EST members Baekho, Ren, and Minhyuk

Baekho, Ren, and Minhyuk

Thanks for reading! There are lots of pleasant winter-themed songs coming out around now, so let me know if any sound especially great to you. Happy holidays!

P.S. Please don’t actually go dashing through the snow in high heels. That sounds like a very dangerous proposition. :)


  1. I love it how the Orange Caramel Members are not dressed alike. I always had so much trouble telling them apart before(a-ing, Shanghai Romance). 
    The song itself is pretty catchy, and now I'll have to go and find more NU’EST songs. Because that's just how my brain decides to work... always wants more...

  2. Yes, it's nice when the members have distinct looks, isn't it? I really like NU'EST's members (especially Ren!). 
